Critically examine current issues, challenges and responsibilities of importance for teachers of nursing students in regards to scope of practice.

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Lori-Ann, Michelle, Heather, Natasha and Andrea
Athabasca University

Learning Objectives

After completing this unit, the student will be able to:
  1. explain what scope of practice means
  2. describe factors that influence scope of practice in your own work environment
  3. name the responsibilities of a nurse-educator
  4. state a teacher’s scope of practice requirements and restrictions
  5. define what is learning
  6. articulate a student’s scope of practice requirements and restrictions
  7. explain the role of the preceptor
  8. understand how scope of practice affects students and preceptors
  9. list several of the ethical and legal issues related to scope of practice

The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA, 2007) provides a broad based definition of nursing scope of practice as

“the activities that RNs are educated and authorized to perform as set out in legislation and complemented by standards, guidelines and policy positions of provincial and territorial nursing regulatory bodies. The breadth and depth of these activities enable RNs to take on multiple responsibilities and carry out a variety of roles”

Scope of practice is affected by work environment, needs of the public, educational level and competence; as well as, the requirements and policies established by the employer (CNA, 1993; White, Oleke, Besner, Doran, McGillis Hall & Giovannetti, 2008).  It is these factors that allow professionals to individualize scope of practice.  However, this can also lead to confusion on how best to apply and work within scope of practice (CNA, 1993). 

As learners, we set out to critically examine the current issues, challenges, and responsibilities of importance for teachers in the health disciplines in regards to scope of practice requirements and restrictions. This presentation provides a synopsis and examination of our findings.

Scope of Practice